It is really a piece of great news for lacs of Veterans who are in need of better quality medical facilities at some of most populated veterans cities of India. It was decided that Veterans Hospitals will be developed in cities like Delhi, Hyderabad, Ambala, Chennai, Jalandhar, Bareilly and Dehradun. New Veterans Hospitals in 08 Indian Cities is a milestone step in providing medical facilities to retired defence personnel
These veterans hospitals will be private players under the CSR funds. This hospital will be used by veterans and civilians also. It will be a 200 to the 400-bed big hospital in the above-mentioned cities
India has near about 32 lacs veterans which are using services of ECHS & Military Hospitals. These developments of Veterans hospital will ease the burgen on this military hospital and echs which are already under stress.
The cities which are selected have the maximum strength of ex-servicemen. The most important needs for such veterans are the need of quality medical facilities at the ease and near to them
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